Please use this comment thread to arrange ride sharing between the St. Louis airport and the Gibbs Conference at the Touch of Nature Center in Carbondale.
Please leave a comment if you are:
Willing to give someone a ride to or from the airport
If you are looking for a ride to or from the airport
People posting comments should say what time their flights arrive or leave in order to facilitate match ups. (Or if you live in St. Louis and are willing to offer a ride, please note the time windows you will be driving to/from Gibbs).
People posting comments should also leave their email address in their comment so that ride-requesters and ride-offerers can contact each other. N.B. -- the organizers will only be sparingly monitoring this site, if at all -- so if you want a ride or if you are offering a ride, please use this site as a way to initiate contact with other registrants and then directly make arrangements.
If you would like to avoid automated web crawlers that troll for email addresses for advertisers, simply list your address without the @ sign: for example: ride-offerer at instead of -- then only actual, literate humans will contact you.
Thank you,
Madeline, Jack, Bertrand, Karen, Doug & Mike